Sometimes rigor looks like creating ionic bonds in a chemistry lab project. Other times it looks like creating a scale version of yourself out of mesh tubing and a yarn ball.

The visual arts program is designed to cultivate an appreciation of art and culture while allowing every student to engage with successful and rewarding experiences in the visual arts throughout their school career. Through the process of making art, students are able to celebrate their creative instincts and realize their expressive strengths as young artists.

In kindergarten through fourth grade art, students are involved in painting, drawing, collage, printmaking, clay modeling, mask and mural making, and sculptural constructions. Students explore the traditions of portraiture, landscape, and still life and work from subjects of personal interest, from nature, and from classroom themes. Art works are also inspired by the style and work of particular artists, as well as art from different cultures and traditions. Art activities encourage observation, problem solving, and exploration of techniques, and build upon the students’ visual vocabulary and their knowledge and handling of materials.

Fifth through eighth grade art classes take place in a multidisciplinary studio environment where the student learns to communicate ideas visually. Students develop skills while exploring a variety of media, including drawing and painting, printmaking, bookmaking, fibers and textiles, mixed media collage and assemblage, and graphic design.

The art that they produce is in keeping with the themes of each grade level. Art history and the art of various world cultures are introduced through the examination of both historical figures and contemporary artists using slide presentations, prints, books, field trips, and rotating exhibitions in our two galleries.

Wander through our halls and you will see great works from hands at every grade level. Visitors are awed by what is possible when young minds are taught effective techniques, given space to create, and then allowed to fly.