Ms. Forsyth's Top 10 Tips for Returning to GUS

Dear GUS Families,

I have never been more excited to start a school year. We have spent so much time prepping, thinking through scenarios, and setting everything up. While there will be lots of things that will be different, the important things will be the same as they ever were, like the joy and excitement that comes from the first day of school.

These are crazy times. With so much uncertainty, it’s meaningful to have the GUS community and a GUS education to get us through. I have often used lighthouses as a metaphor for what I do and today more than ever, this theme rings true. Our teachers, so dedicated to what they do, our academic program that encourages young people to be brave and put themselves out there, a community that rallies around each other, these are the things that will guide us, no matter what the tides may bring. GUS, the relationships and the experiences, this will be our beacon, showing us the way, as we navigate this new normal. I can’t wait to hear the laughter and feel the joy as our teachers and students come together to learn. That buzz of activity, that energy, may it fill our tanks and keep us going. Yes, our return to school will be different, but may it give us all the hope that we can and will get through this together.

I can’t wait to get started. See you soon!

Gretchen Forsyth
Head of School