Thanks for a Great Year

What a year it has been at GUS!

As always, our school came together to make the impossible possible. Never has the partnership between home and school been more critical, as together we worked to keep everyone safe and healthy. Not an easy task, but together we made it and as spring approached, there was an awakening as our community seemingly burst up through the ground like a budding flower. Through everything, we were nourished by experiences, by a dedicated faculty and staff and meaningful friendships, and most of all, by a can-do spirit that carried us through any and all difficulties.

On-campus and off, we grew through challenge. We weathered the elements, tried new things, pushed ourselves and truly made the most of every opportunity. Most of all, we thrived in the warmth of community. Coming together for our weekly morning meetings and advisory or for larger gatherings like Solstice or the PA party, the time together filled our hearts and warmed our souls. 

These moments felt like rays of sunshine smiling down on us and reminding us: This is GUS. That feeling whispered in quiet moments like enjoying a class book, building fairy houses, or creating art, and grew stronger as students bravely put themselves out there, raising their hands, asking questions, and sharing their work. As spring approached, just like the flowers and trees all over campus, we bloomed. Everything came alive, bright and beautiful. Campus was abuzz with activity. Event after event, as we gathered to celebrate milestones and to witness victories, transformations, and growth, we once again heard those words echoing more loudly, as we felt and remembered, Yes! This is GUS

May our full hearts burst with pride and love for all that this year has made more dear. A special place, uniquely our own, with experiences that shape amazing young people into who they are meant to be, this is GUS. Now and always. 

Thanks for a great year.

Trust and go forward.


Gretchen Forsyth
Head of School

Gretchen Forsyth