The Lighthouse Project: 2021

The fourth grade class recently finished up the annual Lighthouse Project in which students are tasked with researching the history and architecture of a New England lighthouse of their choosing - and building a model replica.

This project is a highlight of the fourth grade year-long study of the sea. “Our lighthouse project is something that kids look forward to, I think, even before they come to fourth grade,” says Fourth Grade Teacher Laura Doyle.

Annually, lighthouse models begin to arrive in February, but their work all year has built up to this moment, including multiple field trips across the north shore to visit and experience some of our nearby lighthouses, including Hospital Point Light, Marblehead Light, and Twin Lights, among others.

A truly interdisciplinary project, in addition to building lighthouse models, students also write research papers that inform final presentations they make in front of their class, in which they share fun facts and historical information, as well as share creative fictional narratives they’ve written, inspired by their lighthouses. “When students first come in with their lighthouses, it’s another chance to learn about who they are as people and what excites them about their lighthouse,” shares Kelly Zaval.

The Lighthouse Project, including Fourth Grade teachers Laura Doyle and Kelly Zaval, was recently featured in the documentary film, The Last Lightkeepers. If you haven’t yet checked it out, we encourage you to do so!