Youth Empowerment + Sustainability Summit

Dear 7th and 8th grade students and guardians,

We are excited for the opportunity to send a combined group of four 7th and 8th grade students to the Youth Empowerment and Sustainability Summit this winter. The summit, or conference, will be in Olivebridge, New York, from February 12-14th. The summit is open to all students from around the country, in grades 7-11. Before you keep reading: Do these dates work for your family?

We are able to send four students, and one teacher. Given the number of potentially interested students, we hope four excited students will represent GUS, speak on our school’s behalf, and bring back new skills and information to share with the school. 

This is an exciting opportunity for our students to develop their leadership skills and capabilities, especially for those interested in sustainability, climate change, and the environment.
If you are still interested in attending this summit, read on! Students and their guardians at home should check in. Is this something you want to attend, and do the dates work?

We are asking any interested students to answer the following questions in order to be considered for the summit in February. Please keep your responses under one page in length. If you choose to make a video to answer the questions, please keep that under two minutes. Send your typed or videoed responses to Mr Levin before December 5th, 2022.
Please let me know if you have any questions! Take a look at the conference center's site if you have programming questions as well.

Alex Levin
Upper School Science Teacher